(Quick Reference)



The create-views generates the views for a domain class


grails create-views Person
grails create-views "*"


Given at least one domain class, this command creates the views for it. The command will generate the following files:

  • grails-app/views/index.gsp
  • grails-app/views/_header.gsp
  • grails-app/views/_topMenu.gsp
  • grails-app/views/_menu.gsp

Besides, the plugin will install the following templates:

  • src/templates/scaffolding/_content.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/_list.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/_form.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/renderEditor.template

Finally, for the class domain, the plugin will generate the following files:

  • grails-app/views/{domainClass}/_content.gsp
  • grails-app/views/{domainClass}/_list.gsp
  • grails-app/views/{domainClass}/_form.gsp

The plugin overrides some important files that could already exist:
  • grails-app/views/index.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/_form.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/renderEditor.template.

For this reason, use the create-views command carefully if you are working on an existing application.


grails create-views [domainClass]
If you don't specify a domain class, the command only generate the following files:
  • grails-app/views/index.gsp
  • grails-app/views/_header.gsp
  • grails-app/views/_topMenu.gsp
  • grails-app/views/_menu.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/_content.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/_list.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/_form.gsp
  • src/templates/scaffolding/renderEditor.template

The domain class templates will not be generated and the command will throw an error about the domain class.

  • domainClass - Either a domain class name (case-sensitive) without its package or a wildcard (*). If you specify the wildcard the artifacts will be generated for all domain classes.